Pursuit of Passions x #ElderWisdom
There is a great wealth of wisdom we can gain through the experience of our elders, and we’re honoured to include them in our showcase of Schlegel Villages residents and the passions that drive them.
The Wisdom of the Elder Signature Program at Schlegel Villages enables residents to share their experiences and wisdom in the Villages and with the broader community. We engage residents in Village Life, which fosters purpose, meaning and growth, and create opportunities to contribute to their community in meaningful ways. This year’s campaign is centered around a photography exhibit that will be on display during June 2023, which is recognized as Seniors Month in Canada, and connects the Pursuit of Passions with the annual #ElderWisdom green bench events.
The exhibit will feature photographs of Schlegel Village residents pursuing their passions and sharing their wisdom. The goal is to challenge negative stereotypes of aging and to celebrate the contributions of seniors to our communities. Through storytelling and visual representation, the campaign seeks to promote intergenerational connections and encourage dialogue between seniors and younger generations.
During the exhibit, visitors will have the opportunity to sit on the #ElderWisdom green bench and engage in conversations with Schlegel Village residents about their experiences and perspectives. The green bench serves as a symbol of the campaign's mission to combat ageism and promote the value of the wisdom that comes with aging.
Overall, the Wisdom of the Elder Signature Program at Schlegel Villages is a powerful initiative that showcases the importance of valuing the wisdom and experiences of seniors in our society. By highlighting the passions and stories of Schlegel Village residents, the campaign seeks to create a more inclusive and age-friendly community for all.
Thank you to everyone for joining us throughout the month of June at our exhibits hosted at The Village at University Gates, The Village of Taunton Mills, The Village at St. Clair, The Village of Erin Meadows, and The Art Gallery of Hamilton.
Interested in hosting the Pursuit of Passions x #ElderWisdom exhibit at your location?
Ted Hudson, Director of Digital Marketing
519-496-5984, Ted.Hudson@schlegelvillages.com