"Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It has brought me joy, friendship, and a sense of accomplishment. Whether I am singing in a choir, playing a musical instrument, or directing a group of musicians, I feel alive and connected to something greater than myself."
Kathryn Wall's passion for music began as a child when she learned to sing, play the flute, and first participated in festivals and operettas. She would grow to become a member and eventually a director of the New Hamburg United Church handbell choir.
Kathryn has directed 24 musicals, and feels that she did some of her best teaching while directing grade 7/8 students, helping bring joy to the lives of others through performances and education.
Kathryn advises others who might be considering a new endeavour to make the effort, because nobody else will.
Kathryn continues to lead a handbell choir at Winston Park, and she discovered a new passion in the creation if handmade sleep sacs for babies and knitted teddy bears.
Passion: Music
The Village of Winston Park