Our Signature Programs

A Village is comprised of different people with all varying levels of strengths and abilities, and our three Signature Programs are there to allow everyone to make the most of their individual strengths. 

Our Signature Programs are those organization-wide philosophies that are carefully chosen to enhance quality-of-life outcomes for our residents, and we know any one aspect of each program can have a great impact. At Schlegel Villages, we invest in programs that make a real difference in the lives of the people we are proud to serve. 

Seniors participating in drum fit program
Michael T. Sharratt Program for Active Living

The Michael T. Sharratt Program for Active Living is designed to improve the quality of life of our residents by maximizing their independence. 

Senior man looking at the wall of portraits with the word Family in the middle
Living in My Today

Living In My Today is a philosophy and overarching dementia program created to support the well-being of residents living with dementia, their families and team members at Schlegel Villages.

Senior and community member chatting on the green bench
Wisdom of The Elder

In 2010, Ron Schlegel encouraged a core group of team members to create a program that honoured the life experiences, skills and knowledge of residents across all Villages.

Learn More About Our Signature Programs