Songs of love play along Main Street at The Village of Humber Heights as the team, residents and guests prepare for a Valentine’s Day celebration to honour the longevity of love in one of its most dedicated forms – marriage.
Five couples connected to the Village came together this snowy February afternoon to renew their decades-old commitments in a vow renewal ceremony organized by the Village team and conducted by a long-time friend of the Village, retired Justice of the Peace, James Clare, whose mother lived for many years at Humber Heights.
During the ceremony, James spoke of the symbolic nature of the rings exchanged by bride and groom, and the Egyptian belief that the ring finger on the left hand contained the “vena amoris”, or “vein of love” that leads directly to the heart. He also spoke of how the ring, in its most basic form, is a circle that never ends, just as the love celebrated this day has endured through decades.
Wanda and Edward were 17 and 19 when they met on a Toronto boardwalk during an Easter parade. They’d never before laid eyes upon each other, but their focus was set that day; for some 70 years, their gaze has been fixed on each other and their renewal today, 66 years after they first exchanged wedding vows, but an extension of that reality.
“It was written in the stars,” Edward says, a twinkle in his eye; “instantaneous.”
Marilyn and Jim have also been together for more than 70 years, and married for 69. Jim recalls the weekend he ventured home to the family farm, and his sister had serendipitously invited a friend for the weekend. He was struck instantly when he met Marilyn – the next weekend they went on their first official date, and here they sit seven decades later, hand in hand on a day set aside for lovers.
It was also more than 70 years ago that Joan and Alexander met at a paper company when Alexander came looking for a job. In keeping with the theme others share this day, the idea of love at first sight carries forth in the story of their life together. After the official vow renewal is finished, they stand before the decorated archway and speak their own words to each other.
“My love for you continues to grow,” Alexander says, holding his wife’s delicate hands in his. “Over the years, your constant sense of humour has kept me on the right track. Lovingly, I hope our pact can continue for another 29 years.”
Anne and Barry took part in the ceremony, as well, happy to look back on the path that led Anne from Ireland to Canada, and eventually into the lifetime they’ve shared together.
The fifth couple to share this day is Anne-Maree and Bill, and though they have been together for the least amount of time among the group, the 36 years they’ve spent together is no less worthy of celebration.
As the ceremony ends, guests and Village residents share wedding cake lovingly made by hospitality director Alam Raymon, and the Town Hall comes to life with live music. On a day set aside to remind us all of the beauty that lies in the heart of love, it’s the perfect ending, and we’re inspired by the dedication and commitment that shines brightly today at Humber Heights.